Bente & Allan Sørensen - Eriksdalsvej 20 - DK4871 Horbelev - Tlf.: 54 44 54 99 - Fax: 54 44 54 95



Pictures of Harley of Nunivak Island



Pictures of Harley

Harley & Hexia

Harley & Fantazie

Play in the snow

9 month old

5 month old and enjoy the summer

4 month old

3 month old

Playing with Fantazie (11 weeks old)

Playing with Denni
(10 weeks old)

10 weeks old


Show Pictures

Nykøbing F  23/6-2012

Best in Show


Stouby  19/2 2011

BOB - Best in Show 3


Rostock 10/10 2010

BOB - Best i group 3

Handler: Emilia Hansen


Leipzig  22/8 2010

Bedste Juniorhan

Handler: Julie Damstedt


Leipzig  21/8 2010

Juniorzieger Leipzig

Handler: Julie Damstedt


Vordingborg  8/8 2010

Matchens best dog (BIS)

Handler: Emilia Hansen


Guldborgsunds Centeret 24/7 2010

Matchens best dog (BIS)

Handler: Emilia Hansen


Berlin 18/4-2010


Handler: Emilia Hansen


Karlslunde 10/4-2010

Best Juniormale

Handler: Emilia Hansen


Horbelev 1/4-2010


Handler: Emilia Hansen


Næstved  14/11-2009

Silkeborg 10/10-2009


With his handler Emilia Hansen

BIS-1 Puppy

(Photo: Ole Nielsen)


Fuglebjerg 23/8-2009

The grandchild, Helene Funder, became BIS-2 in Child & Dog 4-6 year with Harley  (Photo: SPK)

BIS-4 Baby

(Photo: SPK)


Fuglebjerg 22/8-2009

The grandchild, Helene Funder, became BIS in Child & Dog 4-6 year with Harley  (Photo: SPK)

BIS-2 Baby


Best in Show






© Moon Song's & Langhoff